Some say staying stuck and moving out of it are both painful.
That is false. Staying stuck is way more painful.
-Claire Henkel
Wanting to heal from the things you don’t think about…
Unless you come to terms with it, it will take over the driver’s seat of your life.
Focusing only on healing is not living your life.
At some point, you come to a fork in the road. You must choose between sorrow OR growth.
You may already know what the path of sorrow looks like. Full of despair and self pity, coping yourself in the perpetual cycle without any healing.
Then there is the other path…
The path of turning your heartache into a powerful tool of self reflection and self improvement.
Where each path takes you is clear.
Yet time and time again you lean toward the one that temporarily relieves, not getting yourself out of the pattern.
And FEELING STUCK becomes the new norm.
But know this…
Heartbreak is a temporary setback.
Yet left unhealed, it alters your whole life’s mission.
I will help you set the anchor that takes you from SORROW to EMPOWERMENT.